
Our 2021

We ask our future

Life on the move - we question our future

After an alienating year from 2020 to 2022, we have launched an initiative to stop letting our lives be dictated by the crises and their drivers. To this end, we are simply taking our lives collectively into our own hands by launching a new kind of future strategy: for all those who want to break new ground - and for a joint departure into the coming years - out of the present ... into our future!

Therefore, we received questions from many interested people in advance and combined them into a questionnaire.

The result is a universal strategy for the future made up of various building blocks, as a starting point for each individual and all of us:

"Life" - as a common departure into the years to come ...


Our 2021 - our joint strategy for the future

UPDATE: We are extending the submission of questions for our collective future strategy "Our 2021" until February 22. The goal is to develop a path out of the crisis for our collective future, which we shape autonomously as people and companies.


After an alienating 2020, we would like to launch an initiative to collectively take the management of the ongoing crisis situation into our own hands:

Together with you, we want to develop a universal strategy for the future for all of us: "Our 2021"!



The NEURONprocessor

The NEURONprocessor software builds a specific brainwave pattern in your brain during use, which enables the optimal mental state for idea development.

The structured approach of the NEURONprocessor method binds the waking consciousness, which gives the right brain hemisphere more space. This leads to a more extensive access to stored (expert) knowledge and an extremely increased intuition.

Because your brain is permanently busy with:

  1. Compliance with the method
  2. Selection (multiple choice)
  3. Writing
  4. Speaking (audio feedback)
  5. Optional sketches (or graphical interaction)

We can understand our right brain hemisphere here as a tool that provides us with information that we otherwise do not get to - or that we do not become aware of because the everyday or waking consciousness is always in front of it.


We are only one click away

We use your data only for communication with you and do not pass them on to third parties under any circumstances!